Pascha 2009 - 04/18/09

Nocturnes, Matins, Divine Liturgy, and Agape Meal, followed by Paschal Vespers in the afternoon
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Vespers and Gospel in Many Languages
Paschal Matins
Paschal Matins
Paschal Matins
Paschal Matins
Paschal Matins
Paschal Matins
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Paschal Divine Liturgy
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Agape Meal
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!
Christ is Risen!